Saturday, October 30, 2010

Learning to wait....

So I have realized lately that the Lord is teaching me to trust in Him and wait...  So I moved back to Wheaton in the middle of August and I started job searching immediately.  I had been praying all of Senior year and in the summer for this day that I would be able to start fully searching for a job.  I literally applied to every job I could find.  I applied to over fifty school districts.  I knew that I would probably not be teaching this year, but I was still finding openings in school.  I of course applied to all of them.  I also was on Wheaton's website looking at all of the job postings.  I emailed many people and got back a few responses.  One of those was from 2toots in Glen Ellyn...haha yes it is a diner where the food gets served on a train.  I ended up getting this job! However...I am literally spending all that I make on rent, food, gas, etc.  However I am very thankful.  In the mean time I have still been searching. I applied for a job at CareNet as an abstinence educator! My roommate interned there and thought that I would be great for the job.  It took awhile, but eventually I got called for a phone screening! It went great!! I was very excited.  The next call I got was almost four weeks later haha.  I didn't even thing CareNet was an option anymore, but God had his perfect timing.  They called in a time I was starting to think nothing was ever going to happen! Anyways the interview went great!  They called a week later and I just did my second interview on Tuesdays.  After 3 interviews with them I am completely in love with CareNet.  Before all of my interviews they prayed with me.  I could see Christ so evidently in their lives.  This last interview that told me that full time employees get great benefits!! I was so excited...all benefits have 100% coverage as well!!!  There is one more interview and I am waiting to see if I get it :)  I will definately let you all know!

Ultimately I am realizing that God has a perfect plan and perfect timing.  He is teaching me to be appreciative of all that I have.  Each day is a gift.  Waiting only teaches us to trust in the Lord more!!
Well I have to run cuz Chentell and Ali are here for Breakfast!!!!!! YAY!!!

All my love,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So I love to journal and I thought it would be great to let a few of my loved ones read about what is going on in this crazy life of mine :)  God is very good! He sure is taking care of me!  It has been crazy these past few weeks since being back at Wheaton! HoneyRock was incredible this summer.  God did some amazing things this summer.  I led a group of college girls! We were the LumberJanes...represent!! They did an amazing job for sure.  I am leading a small group on Monday nights so that I can see all of them still!! I love them!

I am really enjoying spending time with all my favorites since being back (even though some of them were with me all summer)  Here are some pics of what has been going on lately :)
The McHale's took us to a Broadway show in Chicago!

Lots of time spent outside and bonfires :)

Thankfully I have been able to spend lots of time with my family :)

Anyways, I am so thankful for God's faithfulness. Lately I have had to put a lot of trust in the Lord seeing I just graduated from college! I am working at a restaurant and nannying part time! I am waiting to see what Lord has for me in the upcoming months.  I will continue trusting in Him with all that I have! He sure is wonderful. I hope all of you are doing fabulous! I love you and so does the Lord!
